I know you are wondering what I mean by “income” being one of my blessings, but this is the way I look at it. Buddy and I are two of the fortunate ones who have retired from state jobs and now have jobs we love to supplement our retirement. It is mind boggling, but half of his retirement goes to pay for health insurance - it is UNBELIEVABLE what we pay - and my social security and state retirement help to pay the monthly living expenses. Because we are fortunate enough to have work, we are able to have money to buy good, healthy food, gas, go to visit the children and grandchildren, and live a very simple but fulfilling life together. We no longer travel to far away places for pleasure as we did in the past, and we have to watch “the non-essentials” we want to buy. ..but that is OK. We are so happy here in our old farmhouse out in the country. We have everything we need...clothing, a home we are now buying for the second time, our old cars,a big blue beast of a farm truck for dumpster runs, pretty good health for our ages, our jobs, and a family plus two animals that love us very much. We are so VERY fortunate not have to worry about insurance, food, and having our own home as so many Americans do. The funds we have coming in,
for now, allow us to live our lives happily and without too much worry. Of course, we are concerned about what the future holds for us healthwise and workwise, but at this point we are just fine. We are very thankful for what we have. Yes, it is definitely a blessing we have enough funds coming in from our work and retirement to allow us to continue to live our simple, happy lives. We are so very fortunate.